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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Naruto Character Tsunade and Shizune

This two character after the died of Third Hokage. The Fifth Hokage and her protege. She the following detail:

Tsunade Sama Naruto
She is also one of the legendary "Sannin" in the legends of Konoha. Tsunade dislikes aging and does everything possible to stop it, even changing her appearance to that of a 20 year old to look younger and more attractive. On a side note, she has very large breasts, which have nothing to do with her jutsu enhancement. She was once called "flat chested bitch by Jiraiya.Incredibly, they helped her in a battle with Orochimaru's. She specializes in medicinal and healing jutsus and has tremendous strength and power. With one blow of her fist she can bust boulders. Since the Third was assassinated, she tries her best to fill his role, despite her constant gambling, drinking and slacking off like his activities before become the Fifth Hokage

Shizune Naruto
Shizune is Tsunade's protege and in a way Kabuto's rival. She looks after Tsunade and is sort of her conscience. She uses senbon needles as her art of attacking similar to Tsunade using dangerous and deadly medical jutsus.

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