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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Naruto Konoha's Friends Character

Wa all know Naruto has many friends, this following character is naruto's friends from Konoha Village.

Rock Lee
Rock Lee Naruto
He is no talent for Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. So he has to rely on his Taijutsu. Rock Lee is very fast and his Taijutsu is very strong. His rival Neji believes that fate has decided your path. In his philosophy, if you are a dropout, you will stay a dropout. Rock Lee works very hard to try and defeat Neji.

Hyuuga Neji
Hyuuga Neji Naruto
He is a genius from the branch family of the Hyuuga Clan, he has the most talent and ability of the entire clan. But he has a very depressing way of thinking - that you can't change your life or your fate; that your doomed forever in the state you are at now. His speciality is the Byakugan from his clan. The Byakugan allows him to have a view of nearly 360 degrees and he detects enemy attacks with it.

Tenten Naruto
A female shinobi who specializes with weapons. She likes to be around Neji and she has some sort of attraction towards him. She is decent in battle, but once her weapons are nullified she's as good as dead.

Yamanaka Ino
Yamanaka Ino Naruto
She and Sakura have been fighting over Sasuke since the Academy days. Her whole clan specializes in mind confusing/stealing jutsus. She is the strongest female Genin. The #1 rival of Sakura for sasuke

Akimichi Choji

Akimichi Choji Naruto

This Shinobi's clan specializes in jutsu that make him larger. Choji is fat and likes to eat. He especially likes to eat BBQ. His Baika No Jutsu (Double Weight Technique) is a force not to be reckoned with!

Nara Shikamaru
Nara Shikamaru Naruto
A little lazy guy. He is the sort of person that would rather sleep than work..haha. But once he has promised something, he won't let you down. Shikamaru is extremely smart and has an IQ of over 200! He likes to play shogi (Japanese Chess) and is a brilliant strategist. His whole clan specializes in Shadow techniques that can make you can't move.

Hyuuga Hinata
Hyuuga Hinata Naruto
Whether she is from Head family branch of the Hyuuga Clan. She is very shy and afraid to fight, but she is strong when she does. She has a crush on Naruto, who is too thick-headed to notice. She tries her hardest to change herself. Like Neji, she uses the Byakugan but to a lesser degree of skill.

Inuzuka Kiba
Inuzuka Kiba Naruto
He smells like a dog, looks like a dog, and acts like one. He brawls like a dog. But that doesn't mean he isn't strong. His drawbacks are that he is too bossy and impatient but he packs a ton of power. Sometimes he is so arrogant and overconfident that his teammates hate him! His clan specializes in training dogs to fight.

Aburame Shino
Aburame Shino Naruto
He is the genius of the Aburame clan - which uses bugs as deadly weapons. He is a very quiet person who keeps to himself and doesn't talk often. Shino is tremendously strong and if those bugs get a hold of you, they may kill you.

Yeah, there are still more character at Naruto, I will post it later

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